Monday 1 September 2014

Cabbage Giraffe

I have written an INTERNET POEM for your enjoyment, followers. 
Internet poetry is where you pick random words from the internet to create a poem. This poem therefore says something profound about the human condition, since the internet is practically the COMBINED BRAIN of the world.
To get a random first word to begin searching with, mash the keyboard keys with your eyes closed, like this:
This was close enough to ‘Cabbage’ so I went with that. I entered cabbage into Google, then chose some random words from the first page, before searching those words on Google and choosing some more and repeating until I had the following profound poem. I call it ‘Cabbage Giraffe’.
Cabbage Giraffe
Cabbage Giraffe
Little known to science
Fantastic soup, 
Darwin's heat rash because Ozone depletion,
Mighty spoonfeeding crayon man.
One looks beyond regret.
Third world debt...
by Steve Pitt

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