Monday 1 September 2014

How to Impress Girls with Technology

Sup Followers.

Sometimes girls can be hard to talk to because you have to 'MAKE CONVERSATION', which is a very difficult thing to make. 

Obviously girls will be climbing over each other to go out with me once I’m a BILLIONAIRE like Mark Zuckerberg. But for all you followers, here's a useful way of breaking the ice and making yourself look EDGY. All you have to do is subtly reveal your irresistible knowledge of technology, so they can see what a TECH-WIZARD you are. But don't make it too obvious.

The words 'gif' and 'pinterest' are like a powerful love potion to girls. (It makes them fancy you). Other such stimulus words include 'tumblr' 'blog' 'internet'.

You're welcome.


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